PhD (Business) - anticipated Early 2018 Specializing in Entrepreneurship Expected graduation Early 2018 Aalborg University, Denmark http://www.en.fak.samf.aau.dk/phd/doctoral-programmes/innovation-economic-programme/
Dissertation Proposal - "The emergence of new industries in
remote regions: A case study of the Yukon ICT sector
MEd (I.T.) - October 2013 Master of Education (Information Technology) Memorial University of Newfoundland https://www.mun.ca/educ/grad/infotech.php
– “A new expectation for post-secondary librarians: Faculty status,
collective agreements, and the online evidence of teaching"
MLIS - October 2001 Master of Library and Information Science University of Western Ontario http://www.fims.uwo.ca/acad_programs/grad/lis/mlis.htm
Independent Study – “Computers behind bars: Information technology in Canadian prison libraries.” http://hdl.handle.net/10760/10344
B.A. (Hon.) - June 2000 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) English Language and Literature University of Western Ontario http://www.uwo.ca/english/undergraduate/modules_and_programs/OLD_honors_spec.html

2013 Certificate in Project Management Project Management Institute
2012 Accelerated Human Resources Diploma Yukon College http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/ce/courses
2008 BC Provincial Instructor Diploma Vancouver Community College & BC Ministry of Advanced Education http://www.instructordiploma.com