Identify and discuss variations within a range of international organizations in their approaches to strategic human resources management.
Assess the influence of a complex range of internal and external factors upon the success or failure of specific strategic initiatives related to internationalization or transnational business development from a human resources perspective.
Utilize a range of analytical tools and concepts to support the critical analysis of ‘best practices’ in international business practice.
Reflecting on the orientation process as a graduate student, what have you learned what to do and not to do when you're onboarding a new person?
Screening of the Journal Article Trailer assignments
Working on International Employee Relations -- Student Led Mini-Workshop (10%)
Reading to identify main points
Process to narrow it down to three major points
Crafting a short presentation
Strategies for interactivity for remote classes and presentations
Activity = Meme Your Understanding of Strategic HRM Find or make a meme that expresses your understanding of strategic human resource management. Next, add the image to a 1-slide PowerPoint slide deck.Then, upload that .pptx file to our MS Teams meeting for you to show and explain to your classmates. This is to give you practice time on presenting MS Teams while also summarizing the assigned Microcredentials you've completed.
Memo #2 Reflective Learning Journal (1%) Assignments Check-in Do I completely understand the tasks involved in the course assignments? Do I have the time to complete the assignments? If applicable, what do I need to change to has enough time to complete the assignments on time? Who can I ask for help if I need it? How will I contact them? When will I contact them? What skills do I possess that will help me do well on these assignments? What will I do to celebrate my accomplishments?