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TOPIC = The Complexity of HRM

  • Utilize a range of analytical tools and concepts to support the critical analysis of ‘best practices’ in international business practice.
  • Assess the influence of a complex range of internal and external factors upon the success or failure of specific strategic initiatives related to internationalization or transnational business development from a human resources perspective.
  • Debate appropriate strategies to solve cases within small and large groups, support arguments with appropriate analysis, and model listening skills appropriate to international human resources managers.
  • Exhibit cultural understanding and sensitivity in discussions and decisions of human resources managers.

  • All the required computer technology for remote, synchronous classes

  • If presenting, slide deck and activity for today's student-led workshops

  • Continuing with the Student-Led Workshops -- International Employee Relations Part #3
    South Korea

  • Source: Thompson, K. (2018). Two sides of the same coin: Considering overqualification from the employer and employee perspectives. In de Janasz, S.D. & Crossman, J. Teaching human resource management: An experiential approach. Edward Elgar. Pg. 88-97
  • First, we will approach it from the employer's point of view (Case A). Then, we will look at the same situation, but this time from the potential employee's point of view (Case B).
    Pay particular attention to the misogyny and systemic discrimination that are regularly barriers for women in the workplace.

  • Memo #3 Reflective Learning Journal

  • WATCH = Slaves of the Cyberworld. (2010). Infobase. [54 minutes]
    Take some time to think about the ethics of international hiring practices and what it means for you professionally and academically.
    You will then be sharing these reflections as our Focusing Activity at the beginning of the next class meeting.

  • Memo #3 Reflective Learning Journal
    Using this experience as an opportunity to practice for a job interview, answer the following questions. The structure for your answer follows a successful formula PEN to use during job interviews.
    - Blazevich, R. (2017). Amazing interview answers: 44 tough job interview questions with 88 winning answers. Amazing Job Skills Publishing. pg. 13-14.
    P is for Passion = Connecting to why you chose to do a Masters, where does your passion for learning come from?
    E is for Experience = Summarize your experience so far in the INMA program? How is it different or the same to your experiences doing a Bachelor's degree?
    N is for Next = After you have finished your Masters, what further education or training do you foresee doing?
  • Continue working on the International Hiring Knowledge Base assessment 
    - Developed nation -- Wiki page itself (10%)
    - Developed nation -- Presentation (5%)
    - Developing nation -- Wiki page (15%)