Appreciate the broader context in which collection management takes place, and how
intellectual freedom challenges, the global economy, the nature of parent organizations,
publishing trends, etc. impact collection practices and policies
Analyze options and apply criteria to the acquisition, selection, de-selection, and maintenance
of print, special format and electronic collections
Describe and analyze key issues relevant to collections management including discovery,
access, preservation, and use
Assess library collections using a variety of collection- and user-centred techniques
Matthews, J.R. (2005). Strategic planning and management for library managers. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. Z678.M38 2005
Read Chapter 8: Collection Analysis, Accountability, and Demonstrating Value
Brennan, D. (2015). Collection assessment and the library liaison program: A practical focus. Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice, 3:1 DOI:
Albitz, B., Zabel, D., & Avery, C. (2014). Rethinking collection development and management. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. Z687.R48 2014
Saunders, L. (2015). Academic libraries' strategic plans: top trends and under-recognized areas. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41(3), 285-291.
Focusing Activity with funny cartoon about the agony of weeding.
Lecture = De-Selection and Weeding
Lecture = More on writing policies
Lecture = More considerations on selecting for your collection
Lecture = Analyses and Accountability
Learning Consolidation Activity: Snowstorm 1. Each student writes on a piece of paper what they learned today and wads it up into a snowball. 2. We move together into one group circle. 3. With a signal, we throw our paper snowballs into the air and keep doing so until it seems appropriately mixed up. 4. Then, each student picks up a nearby response and we each take turns reading the snowball aloud. From this, we will know how learning went today and send any follow-up emails afterwards to clarify things.